Term 2 Week 7 Newsletter- May 27
Acknowledgement of Country
Principal's Message
Catholic School Culture
School Information
If your child is unwell...
Student Free Days- Term 3
Important Dates
Learning and Teaching
Students of the Week
NCCD Information Flyer
Leadership & Stewardship
Community Engagement
Child Safety & Wellbeing
SchoolTV - Wellbeing Platform
Happy Birthday
Praying With Children
Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the traditional owners, the Gunditjmara people, on whose land we learn, work and play. We recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. We pay our respects to their elders- past, present and emerging believing that we can walk together for a better future.
Principal's Message

We continue to make our way closer to the end of term 2 . We have been extremely busy at school with many activities across the school. We have much more going on during the rest of the term as well.
Last week we also celebrated the wonderful role that our LSOs play at our school. The support that they offer to students and teachers is greatly appreciated. Thank you to Shaz, Bec, Regien, Julie, Toyah, Jess R, Cherie, Adele, Nicola, Sam, Kelly, Kieran, Jess L and Shelley for your compassion and dedication. We are very grateful for all that you do.
This week we celebrate National Reconciliation Week. National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. Students will particiapte in a variety of activities in their classrooms this week. Our school leaders will attend a community celebration for NRW on Thursday in Heywood.
Footsteps Dance Company began their workshops with our students today. Students will participate in workshops where they will be taught dance moves to current and classic songs or from different dance styles and cultures. The program develops social skills, fitness levels and coordination all while building confidence and creativity.
We remember to keep Payton, Ilaria, Cassie, Ivy and Althea and their families in our prayers over the coming weeks as they prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of First Eucharist in the coming weeks.
Catholic School Culture
National Reconciliation Week
Prayer for Reconciliation
God of all creation,
as we journey together in this Great Southern Land,
we pray for healing, forgiveness and unity,
creating a path of good will, with justice and compassion.
Jesus, through the power of your love, you have given us the courage, wisdom and strength to share our gifts and talents in humility.
In peace and understanding we reconcile with each other.
Creator Spirit, we come together in prayer and thanksgiving for the many blessings we have received. Allow your Spirit to wash over us and give us strength to walk together as one.
This Reconciliation Church prayer was written by a small group of Aboriginal Elder women and Reconciliation Church staff members in 2014. Find it and more liturgical resources on the NATSICC website.

School Information
Assembly Timetable
Assemblies commence at 2:30pm every second Friday afternoon.
Assemblies for Term 2
Week 8 - June 7 - 1/2MR
Week 10 - June 21 - House Leaders
If your child is unwell...

As our weather at the moment is very inconsistent there seems to be some sickness in the community. We currently have a large number of students and staff away due to various illnesses and we hope they are all feeling better soon. We have also sent quite a number of students home from school who are presenting to sick bay throughout the day.
We are asking families to assist us in making sure our school community stays safe and well by keeping your children at home if they are unwell, especially if they have cold and flu or Covid symptoms.
Student Free Days- Term 3

Monday August 5, Tuesday August 6 & Tuesday August 20
Please add these dates to your calendars as there will be no school for students on these days. Staff will be undertaking professional development in different areas on these days.
Monday August 5- School Wide Positive Behaviour Support.
Tuesday August 6- Religious Education and Faith Formation.
Tuesday August 20- Structured Literacy
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS)
All staff will be working with advisors from Catholic Education Ballarat on a the initial stages of School Wide Positive Behaviour Supports which is a framework for school communities from Foundation to Year 12 that helps schools in improving social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for their students.
SWPBS provides evidence-based, positive, and proactive practices that support and respond to students’ social, emotional, and behavioural needs.
SWPBS uses a tiered intervention framework along with robust data-based decision making to provide primary prevention for all staff and students, secondary prevention for students with at-risk behaviour and tertiary prevention for students with high-risk behaviour.
More information about SWPBS will be shared with families in future newsletters.
Important Dates
Week 7
Monday May 27-Thursday May 30- FOOTSTEPS Dance Incursion
Thursday May 30- NRW Community Event ih Heywood.
Friday May 31- District Winter Series
Saturday June 1- Sacrament of First Eucharist
Week 8
Friday June 7- Division Winter Series in Warrnambool
Week 9
Monday June 10- King's Birthday Public Holiday- NO SCHOOL
Learning and Teaching
Students' First Aid Training with St Johns Ambulance
All students have participated in age appropriate first aid training. From understanding what number to call in an emergency all the way up to DRS ABCD for our senior students we hope that our students will know what to do and be able to respond in an emergency situation. Our presenter was super impressed with the knowledge that our students already had. It is great to know we are in such great hands if anything goes wrong.
My New Gallery

Students of the Week
Term 2 Week 4 Assembly- Students of the Week
FCL: Willow Board & Kaden Holland
1/2YW: Sarah Dunn & Evie Skinner
1/2DW: Amelia-May Fisher & Jarvis Toohey
1/2ID: Henry Garner & Blake Taylor
1/2MR: Charlie McRae & Tully Denham
3/4DL: Judd Jennings & Crissie Jayasundara
3/4MS: Atley Sutton & Amelia Ozzimo
3/4JS: Inga Mewburn & Ruby Rowe
3/4MN: Savannah Sutton & Skye Holt
5/6AD: Cassie Vecchio & Xianne Dela Cruz
5/6BS: Lara Waters & Aleksander Litowschenko
5/6RV: Payton Buchner & Chloe Holt
5/6DC: Lexie Elford & Cooper Aitken
Art: Edward Blood & Liam Webb
Indonesian- Ahmalia Prasad & Allana Taylor
Principal Award: Elspeth Donovan & Tully Denham
Congratulations to these students on the wonderful work and effort that you have been applying. Keep up the great work.

NCCD Information Flyer

Please click on the link below for more information on NCCD
Leadership & Stewardship
School Advisory Council Vacancies
We have a number of vacancies on our School Advisory Council (SAC) for 2024. If you are interested please read the following information which is taken from the DOBCEL School Advisory Council Terms of reference.
Currently the All Saints Parish School SAC meets once per term with the option to hold a second meeting if neccessary to discuss any pressing matters.
If you wish to join our SAC or would like more information plaese contact the school office.
Community Engagement
Child Safety & Wellbeing
Webinars for parents and carers
Join one of our free webinars for parents and carers.
These live webinars give parents and carers the knowledge, skills and tools to support their children to have safe online experiences.
On this page:
- eSafety 101: How eSafety can help
- Wellbeing and digital technologies
- Consent and online boundaries: how to support your primary-aged child
- Setting your child up for success online
- Download and share the Term 2 webinar schedule
- In case you missed it
Download the schedule
2024 parent and carer webinar schedule (PDF, 99.3KB)Download
SchoolTV - Wellbeing Platform
All Saints Parish School’s ‘School TV’ can be accessed using the following link: https://asportland.catholic.schooltv.me
In this edition of SchoolTV - CULTURAL DIVERSITY
Cultural diversity encompasses the variety of cultures, beliefs, and traditions present globally, contributing to a rich tapestry of human experiences and perspectives. By valuing every child's cultural background, we enable them to excel in all facets of life. Nurturing an environment of curiosity, open-mindedness, and respect for all cultures, will to only promote unity but a deeper appreciation of the nuances that distinguish us.
Inclusion is about more than just words; it's about fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance for every child, regardless of their cultural background. When children and adolescents feel seen and valued for who they are, they can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Valuing and understanding cultural diversity, helps our communities benefit from a wealth of perspectives and experiences, enhancing our collective capacity for empathy and innovation.
As parents and adult carers, instilling an appreciation for cultural diversity is vital to equip young people with the tools they need to navigate an increasingly interconnected world. Through leading by example and showing that kindness and understanding knows no boundaries, we can encourage them to embrace multiculturalism. This will not only prepare young people for personal success, but also for contributing to a world that views diversity as a strength. Through collective efforts, we can help pave the way for a more accepting and vibrant future.
In this edition of SchoolTV, learn how best to embrace and celebrate cultural diversity with your children.
We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this edition of SchoolTV and we always welcome your feedback. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the school counsellor for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to the Cultural Diversity - AU edition of SchoolTV

Happy Birthday

STUDENTS: Evie S, Zaiden K, Elodie T, Edward E, Benji S, Nash N, Felix B, Emmy P, Amelia O, Monique M, Teliah L, Grace M, Ivy D, Tanner D, Sonny M
STAFF: Sharon, Mrs McMahon
Praying With Children
Kindergarten Open Days