Term 2 Week 11 Newsletter- June 24
Acknowledgement of Country
Principal's Message
Catholic School Culture
School Information
School Bus Travel Alteration- Term 3
Student Free Days- Term 3
Important Dates
Learning and Teaching
Students of the Week
Leadership & Stewardship
Community Engagement
Child Safety & Wellbeing
SchoolTV - Wellbeing Platform
Happy Birthday
Praying With Children
Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the traditional owners, the Gunditjmara people, on whose land we learn, work and play. We recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. We pay our respects to their elders- past, present and emerging believing that we can walk together for a better future.
Principal's Message

We have made it to the last week of term 2. Which also means that we are at the end of Semester 1.
I would like to congratulate our students on all of their growth and achievements so far this year. It has been wonderful to hear the positive chat from teachers about how far some students have come. For some students this growth is academic, for some it is social and for others it is emotional or physical growth. The important thing to remember that each child grows at their own rate and in their own way and we are super proud of any growth that the students at All Saints experience.
I would like to thank the teachers for the time and effort that has gone into completing student reports. It is a very busy time with lots of assessment, correction and analysis going on before putting the reports together for families. Teachers spend a great deal of their own time completing these and I am truly grateful for the work that they put in to informing our families of how your children are travelling at school. Reports will go home to families on Thursday June 27.
I would like to wish everyone in our school community a safe and relaxing holiday break. I hope you get to spend your time doing something that you enjoy with the people who mean the most to you.
Stay safe and we will see you all back at school on Monday July 15.
Catholic School Culture

School Information

End of Term 2
Just a reminder that school finished at 2:15pm this Friday for the end of term. Buses will leave school by 2:30pm.
Assembly Timetable
Assemblies commence at 2:30pm every second Friday afternoon.
Assemblies for Term 3
Week 2 - July 26 - 5/6BS
Week 4 - August 9 - 3/4DL
Week 6 - August 23 - Specialist Classes
Week 8 - September 6 - 5/6DC
Week 10 - September 20 - 5/6AD
School Bus Travel Alteration- Term 3

If your child travels home from school by bus, the current process changes in Term 3. Bus lists will be generated from PAM.
Parents are asked to inform the office by Wednesday 26th June if they would like a regular bus schedule set for their child. This means they will not have to notify travel arrangements each day/week, only if there is a change to these arrangements.
If the standard travel arrangements do change for a particular day, parents can log into PAM by 2pm and add or remove their child to the bus. After this time, parents will need to call the office to notify changes and their child will be informed of this change.
If parents do not wish to set up a standard schedule, they can go into PAM each day/week and set their child's bus schedule themselves.
NOTE: it is important that all students are aware of their end of day travel arrangements.
Student Free Days- Term 3

Monday August 5, Tuesday August 6 & Tuesday August 20
Please add these dates to your calendars as there will be no school for students on these days as staff will be undertaking various professional development session.
Monday August 5- School Wide Positive Behaviour Support.
Tuesday August 6- Religious Education and Faith Formation.
Tuesday August 20- Structured Literacy
Important Dates
Week 11
Monday June 24- Friday June 28 - Bayview work experience students at All Saints
Thursday June 27 - Reports go home to families and are available to view in PAM
Friday June 28 - Last day of term 2: school finishes at 2.15pm, buses depart 2.30pm
Week 1
Monday July 15 - First day of term 3
Friday July 19 - NAIDOC Week Portland Schools and Community Event @ Hanlon Park
Friday July 19 - Division Hockey in Hamilton (for participating students)
Week 2
Tuesday July 23 - 3 Way Learning Conversations
Wednesday July 24 - 3 Way Learning Conversations
Thursday July 25 - 3 Way Learning Conversations
Week 3
Monday July 29 - Insight SRC Surveys open for families chosen via random selection
Thursday August 1 - All Saints & Bayview music students performance (TBC)
Week 4
Monday August 5 - Student Free Day- SWPBS
Tuesday August 6 - Student Free Day- RE Prayer in the Classroom
Wednesday August 7 & Thursday August 8 - Diocesan Leadership Gathering - Mr. Walsh in Horsham
Saturday August 10 - Commitment Mass for the Sacrament of Confirmation 6:00pm
Learning and Teaching
End of Semester School Reports
School reports for Semester 1 will be sent home with students on Thursday June 27th. Please keep an eye out for these in students school bags. Reports will also be available online by logging into your PAM accounts from Friday - you can view these in the Student Assessment section from the Profile Menu drop down box.
Teachers have given a great deal of time and effort towards creating these reports to accurately reflect the progress of your child in a range of areas. We hope that you find this informative and celebrate the effort and individual achievement of your child.
3 Way Learning Conversations
In Week 2 of third term we will hold our 3 Way Learning Conversations. These conversations provide opportunities for teachers, students and parents to discuss the progress reported on in the End of Semester reports, as well as future goals and areas for improvement. Families will be invited to book at time on Tuesday 23rd, Wednesday 24th or Thursday 25th to meet with teachers for these conversations via www.schoolinterviews.com.au
The access code is: wrcx9
Students of the Week
Term 2 Week 10 Assembly- Students of the Week
FCL: Willow Cracknell and Ezra Chase
1/2YW: Manny Stephen and Isabella Camilleri
1/2DW: Victor Vassiliou and Annie Lipscombe
1/2ID: Verah Budde and Bailey Sharam
1/2MR: Nate Looker, Noah Bourke and Elspeth Donovan.
3/4DL: Harriet Howman and Violet Jones
3/4MS: Judd Looker and Thomas James
3/4JS: Bentley Johnstone and Theo Donovan
3/4MN: Easton Cracknell and Lexi Stavrakis
5/6AD: James Appleby and Dylan Holt
5/6BS: Dylan Radley and Althea Howman
Indonesian: Chelsea Payne and Althea Howman
Art: Teliah Leishman and Trinidy Brewer
Digi Tech: Logie Scott and Kaden Holland
Congratulations to these students on the wonderful work and effort that you have been applying. Keep up the great work.

Leadership & Stewardship
School Advisory Council Report
At our last SAC meeting on Tuesday June 11 a number of items were discussed.
175 Years of Catholic Education in Portland:
This year we celebrate 175 years of Catholic Education in Portland. We have set aside some dates in October for a community celebration, Friday 18 & Saturday 19. We are looking to hold a dinner, mass at school and have an open school for the Friday and Saturday. Other activities will also be incorporated for the children at school. 'Save the Date' flyers have been sent out via Dojo and also emailed to special guests.
New playground:
With funds from the debutante balls, Workskills donation, some wellbeing money and a grant from All Saints Outreach we are looking into the possibility of a new playground for our foundation students. Their current playground is missing many components and is in need of a lot of work. It was the playground brought up from the old All Saints in 2003 when the schools amalgamated.
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS):
All staff will be working with advisors from Catholic Education Ballarat on the initial stages of School Wide Positive Behaviour Supports which is a framework for school communities from Foundation to Year 12 that helps schools in improving social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for their students.
SWPBS provides evidence-based, positive, and proactive practices that support and respond to students’ social, emotional, and behavioural needs.
SWPBS uses a tiered intervention framework along with robust data-based decision making to provide primary prevention for all staff and students, secondary prevention for students with at-risk behaviour and tertiary prevention for students with high-risk behaviour.
More information about SWPBS will be shared with families in future newsletters.
School Advisory Council Vacancies
We have some vacancies on our SAC. If you are a parent who is interested or would like more information please contact me at school via email at principal@asportland.catholic.edu.au
Community Engagement
Child Safety & Wellbeing
Webinars for parents and carers
Join one of our free webinars for parents and carers.
These live webinars give parents and carers the knowledge, skills and tools to support their children to have safe online experiences.
On this page:
- eSafety 101: How eSafety can help
- Wellbeing and digital technologies
- Consent and online boundaries: how to support your primary-aged child
- Setting your child up for success online
- Download and share the Term 2 webinar schedule
- In case you missed it
Download the schedule
2024 parent and carer webinar schedule (PDF, 99.3KB)Download
SchoolTV - Wellbeing Platform
All Saints Parish School’s ‘School TV’ can be accessed using the following link: https://asportland.catholic.schooltv.me
In this edition of SchoolTV - POSITIVE PARENTING
Despite the best efforts of parents around the world, the reality is, there is no such thing as the ‘perfect parent’. However, arming yourself with the right information is a good start!
Research shows, that one of the most important protective factors in the lives of young people, is a close relationship with a supportive adult. With the mental health of today’s young people being at an all-time low, it is simply not enough to parent effectively. Parents need to familiarise themselves with practical skills, knowledge and strategies when it comes to raising children.
Many parents today are over-protective, resulting in children being less independent, unable to problem-solve or self-regulate. Parents are failing to set clear boundaries, which is unfortunately making kids feeling less secure. There is too much pressure on kids today. Parents fill their days with too many activities in an effort to avoid their child’s boredom.
In this edition of SchoolTV, parents will learn what is the best approach for primary and secondary school aged children.
We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this edition of SchoolTV and we always welcome your feedback. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the school counsellor for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to the Positive Parenting edition of SchoolTV

Happy Birthday

STUDENTS: Evie S, Zaiden K, Elodie T, Edward E, Benji S, Nash N, Felix B, Emmy P, Amelia O, Monique M, Teliah L, Grace M, Ivy D, Tanner D, Sonny M
STAFF: Sharon, Mrs McMahon
STUDENTS: Payton B, Varia G, Amahlie V, Vossie V, Annie L, Zander V, Austin A, Ray W, Ava T, Braxton F, Celeste L, Toby B, Leah F, Zaila C, Aleksander L, Aubrey K, Lewis P, Alexis H, Millie R, Ruby R, Emilia B, Georgia H, Sterling A, Nadia B, Charlie F, Charles D, Xavier L, Sharlotte G, Penelope C
STAFF: Miss Marcia, Miss Amelia
Praying With Children
Praying with Children resources offer an insight into the scripture readings from mass on the weekend. It is a wonderful opportunity for families to discuss the Gospel stories and complete some related activities if they wish.