Term 3 Week 9 Newsletter September 4
Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the traditional owners, the Gunditjmara people, on whose land we learn, work and play. We recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. We pay our respects to their elders- past, present and emerging believing that we can walk together for a better future.
Principal's Report

We hope that all our dads, special people or father figures had a wonderful day yesterday for Father's Day. Thank you to those who came to celebrate with us at our Father's Day breakfast on Friday. It was wonderful to see so many special people sharing breakfast and wearing footy colours. Thank you to our amazing staff for your assitance in making this breakfast run smoothly.
Excitement and anticipation are building for our concert this Thursday. The children have been practising daily at school to put on a wonderful show for our community. Please see below for more information about the big show.
Remember to get your orders in for our special food day next Wednesday.
This will be our last newsletter for the term so I would like to say thank you to our families and students for the work and support that has gone into this term. We really appreciate the partnerships that we develop to ensure our students are given the best opportunities to learn and grow. They have made some wonderful achievements and growth this term in many areas. Well done everyone!
School will finish at 2:15pm on Friday September 15. This day will also be our pyjama day so all students can wear their PJs to school for a comfy and relaxing last day. We hope everyone has an enjoyable and relaxing holiday.
School Concert
School Concert Thursday September 7
Our annual school concert will be held on Thursday September 7 at the Civic Hall.
After weeks of practice our School Concert has arrived and everyone is very excited to show you all
their hard work. The concert will be held this Thursday 7th September at the Civic Hall. Students will be putting on two performances, a matinee at 12 noon and an evening show starting at 6pm. This show
will be finished at approximately 8:30pm. The matinee performance is great for grandparents or
younger children who may not be able to attend the show at night or for those looking to avoid the
crowd in the evening.
Doors will open 20 minutes before the performance is scheduled. Admission is $5 per person while
there is no cost for primary and pre-school aged children. There will be card facilities available for
those wanting to pay electronically.
For the matinee performance students will travel to and from the Civic Hall by bus. In the evening
students are to meet their teacher at the Civic Hall Supper Room by 5:45pm. Students will remain with their teachers and classmates for the duration of the concert. If parents are needing to take their
child/ren before the show has ended, they are asked to let their child’s classroom teacher know. At the end of the concert teachers will meet parents for children to be collected.
Students will take their costumes home from school after the matinee on Thursday for them to wear
to the hall in the evening. After the students have been on stage they will change out of their
costumes before returning to the hall to watch the remaining performances.
All students who are wearing clothes supplied by the school need to bring a change of clothes in bag clearly labelled with their name to change into after their performance.
Students also might like to bring along a drink bottle.
The order of performances are: FCL, 5/6AD, 1/2DW, 1/2MN, FRP, 5/6RV, 5/6BS, 1/2ID, 1/2MR, 3/4JS,
3/4GM, 3/4DL, Year 6.

Sacrament of Confirmation- September 9 & 10
Ivy Donovan, Giro Gavino, Cassie Vecchio, Althea Howman, Ilaria Toohey and Payton Buchner are preparing to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation this weekend.
We keep these students and their families in our prayers as they take this next step on their faith journey.
Learning and Teaching

Term 3 will finish at 2:15pm on Friday September 15.
Buses will run at 2:30pm.
We wish everyone a fantastic and relaxing holiday.
Term 4 begins on Monday October 2.
Students of the Week
Term 3 Week 8 Assembly
FCL: Tully Polkinghorne & Elspeth Donovan
FRP: Zander Vaughan & Zade Edwards
1/2DW: Izobel Oliver & Raphael Shehata
1/2ID: Sarah Dunn & Paige Vella
1/2MN: Noah Bourke & Liam Webb
1/2MR: Inga Mewburn & Georgia Harrison
3/4DL: Chloe Holt & Payton Buchner
3/4GM: Cassie Vecchio & Thomas James
3/4JS: Ilaria Toohey & Phoebe Boersma
5/6AD: Floyd Robertson & Archie McCallum
5/6BS: Xavier Vecciho & Ella Mifsud
5/6RV: Summer Chow & Lara Waters
Indonesian: Xavier Lindsay (3/4JS) & Banjo Mewburn (3/4DL)
Science: Kiah Schlemmer (5/6RV) & April Bayona (5/6AD)
Music: Charlie Dainty (5/6AD) & Harry Rogers (5/6AD)
Phys Ed: Ruby Rowe (5/6BS) & Chaz Hawker (1/2DW)
Principal Award: Erin Hollis-Compton (3/4GM)
We congratulate these students on their amazing achievements. Keep it up everyone.
Physical Education & Sports Report
Upcoming Sports Dates:
Thursday September 7 - Senior Boys District Basketball Carnival, Portland
Friday October 6 - Greater Western Regional Track & Field Finals, Ballarat
Friday October 13 - Regional Cricket Finals, Pedrina Park Hamilton
Wednesday October 18 - Regional Volleyball Finals, Warrnambool
Tuesday October 24 - All Stars Regional Basketball Finals (Grade 3/4) – Hamilton
Thursday November 16 - All Stars Regional Basketball Finals (Grade 5/6) – Hamilton
School Information
School Uniform
It has come to our attention that many students are wearing incorrect uniform to school. The following is taken from our uniform policy:
It is the policy of All Saints Parish School that all children are required to wear a school uniform. The uniform will be serviceable, practical and affordable. The Uniform Policy of All Saints Parish School aims to:
- Maintain and protect an atmosphere of unity, equality and belonging.
- Promote pride in the school and in the individual’s personal dignity.
- Maintain a positive and consistent appearance amongst the children of the school community.
- Enhance school identity in the community.
Staff will be monitoring uniforms more closely at school and giving children a friendly reminder about the correct uniform. If this continues a message will be sent home to families to remind them about wearing the correct uniform. This includes wearing the sports uniform on days when it is not required. There are also a number of children wearing jewellery to school. Appropriate jewellery is listed in the policy below.
Reminder that if your child is out of uniform for any reason we require a note from home to let us know.
If you are having difficulty sourcing uniform items please contact us at school as we may be able to help.
Summer, Winter and Sports Uniforms

Child Safety & Wellbeing
Child Safety
Child Safe Standards (eleven in total) came into effect in July last year and are a vital part of what we do here at All Saints. But, what do these standards look like in practice? Over the coming months we will look at these standards in closer detail.
Standard 3 - Children and young people are empowered about their rights, participate in decisions
affecting them and are taken seriously.
At All Saints we can see this standard in action in a variety of ways. Through our SRC (Student
Representative Council), representatives from year levels 1-6 in the school come together to discuss
what is happening in their school and contribute their ideas. They then feed this back to the rest of
their cohort. They help organise special days and free dress days to raise awareness of special occasions such as Bullying No Way day. They oragnise and run our card club in the library each Monday. We also conduct wellbeing surveys using the Komodo platform to check in with how the children are feeling. As a staff we analyse this data and make plans moving forward as to how we can address any concerns that the children may have.
More information about these standards can be found here:
Leadership & Stewardship
SAC Meeting
Our next meeting is on Tuesday October 17 at 7:00pm in the school library.
Community Engagement

Share the Warmth This Winter
Share the Warmth This Winter donations will continue for all of winter so if you can, families still have the chance to donate this term. It has heartwarming to see the generosity from our All Saints families. There is a donation box in the foyer at school for anyone to drop off any food or donations.
Happy Birthday

Henry Garner, Floyd Robertson, Jensen Inman, Gia Gavino, Thomas James, Savannah Sutton, Chloe Holt, Nash Silva, Layla Richardson, Crissie Jayasundara, Peyton Marshall, Sabra Campbell, Nathaniel Manitta, Sanna Juul, Kobe Field, Noah Bourke, Judd Looker, Idrissa Charlery
Hayley, Nicola, Cherie, Toyah, Danielle L, Mrs V
Praying With Children
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 10 September 2023 - Year A
“If your brother or sister listens to you, you will have won that person back.”
Something to Think About
Today's gospel is all about community. What does the word 'community' mean to you? Can you
name some different communities to which you belong? How do these communities live peacefully
together? What does peace mean to you?
The Story
In today’s gospel story, Jesus is giving the disciples some advice about how to live together peacefully
in a community. Jesus is encouraging them to make their community more united and more
harmonious and he suggests what should happen if conflicts arise. The simple message is that Jesus
wants us to live together as one happy family. What does peace mean to you? What makes you feel
Community News