Term 4 Week 3 Newsletter- October 16
Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the traditional owners, the Gunditjmara people, on whose land we learn, work and play. We recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. We pay our respects to their elders- past, present and emerging believing that we can walk together for a better future.
Principal's Report

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes, cards, gifts, messages and dress ups last Wednesday. I really appreciate the effort that was made by all to make my day so special. I am still astounded that nobody in the whole school gave me any clues!
On Tuesday all students will have the opportunity to watch a performance by The Playground Craze. They will be presenting a show called 'The Happiness Habit'.
This week our Year 3 students will be attending their camp in Port Fairy. I am sure they will have a wonderful experience and enjoy their time away together. Thank you tou our teachers for organising this event for our students.
A reminder to all students that October is Walk to School Month. If you are walking or riding to school, please watch for traffic, use the supervised crossings and stay safe!
Good luck to our two volleyball teams who travel to Horsham on Wednesday to play. We also wish all the best to our Year 6 students who are participating in the English Games Day at Heywood and District Secondary School on Friday. Have a great time everyone.
We ask our All Saints community to keep the Marra family, Makia (Yr 5), Ryder (Foundation), Kelly (LSO), in our prayers with the recent passing of their grandfather and father, Bluey. We are thinking of them all at this very sad time.

School Information
2024 Class Groupings
The Leadership team, in collaboration with teachers, are beginning to consider class groupings for 2024. Classroom teachers have not been finalised and there will be some changes with current staffing allocations due to a variety of factors.
If parents have a genuine and urgent need to discuss class placement for their child they must be in writing to the principal via email (principal@asportland.
Please note that these requests should be related to an impact on learning and not just wanting to be with a friend or a teacher. No teacher requests will be accepted. Teachers take into account all factors when working out where to place children in future classes and put a lot of effort, time and thought into these decisions.
Parents are asked to submit this information before October 27th.
Just a few reminders for this term.
*Our 5/6 students will participate in surfing lessons later in the term. More information will come closer to the date.
*Grandparents Day is scheduled for Monday October 23. More details about this day will be sent early next term.
*Our Art Show will be held from Tuesday October 24 - Friday October 27.
*Monday November 6 is a Student Free Day. There will be no school for students on this day. Tuesday November 7 is a public holiday for the Melbourne Cup. We hope everyone enjoys an extra long weekend.
Learning and Teaching
ICAS Academic Competitions
A number of our students completed the ICAS academic competitions during term 3. Congratulations to everyone for their efforts and willingness to challenge themselves under test conditions. You should all be very proud of your results. There were many students who received certificates of achievement, special mention to those students receiving distinctions, placing them amongst the top percentage of students for that year level in Australia.
Students who took part
Yr 2 – Crissie Jayasundara, Skye Holt, Harriet Howman, Zayden Liscombe, Judd Looker, Seth Chapman
Yr 3 – Emmy Bicknell, Ayden Marra, Charli Hawker
Yr 4 - Vossie Vosloo, Chloe Holt, Althea Howman
Yr 5 – Kelsey Taylor, Ebony Hawker, Oliver Copley, Dylan Holt, Cassie Jaysunadara, Zena Howman
Yr 6 – Peyton Payne
Science – Merit – Skye, Judd
Credit – Chloe
Distinction – Dylan (top 5%), Zena (top 7%)
Spelling – Credit – Chloe, Althea, Dylan
Distinction – Zena (top 6%)
English – Credit – Chloe, Althea, Cassie, Zena
Writing – Credit – Zena
Digital Technologies – Merit – Judd, Charli
Credit – Althea
Distinction - Dylan (top 3%), Zena (top 2%)
Mathematics – Merit – Crissie
Credit – Zayden, Skye, Judd, Ayden, Althea
Distinction – Emmy (top 4%), Chloe (top 7%), Dylan (top 11%)
High Distinction – Zena (top 1%)
Halloween Disco
The Year 5/6 students will be holding a Halloween Disco in the School hall on Friday 3rd November, beginning at 6:00pm. Parents must sign their children in and collect them in person from the school courtyard at 8:00pm. All students who attend All Saints are welcome to come along, dress up if you wish and dance the night away. Entry will be $5 and students will go into the draw to win a lucky door prize. Sweet treats and drinks will be available for purchase. Please have loose change if purchasing to assist students selling items to manage the change.

Art Show
It's time again for the annual All Saints Parish School Student Art Show. Come along and view the wonderful works of art created by our students. Opening night will be Tuesday 24th October at 6:00pm - 7:00pm with Gundijtmara artist Amelia Bell, this year's guest speaker. Everybody's welcome.
If you are unable to attend opening night, the artwork can be viewed daily for the remainder of the week between 8:30am and 4:30pm.

Grandparents Day - Monday 23rd October

We are very excited to invite all of our Grandparents or Special visitors to come and share some fun and laughter with the students of All Saints Parish School.
Grandparents will have the opportunity to spend some time in the classroom with their grandchildren, tour the school grounds and enjoy a shared morning tea with the staff.
Due to the growing number of visitors attending Grandparents Day, we have decided to run this event a little differently this year,holding two sessions.
9.30am - 11.00am Classroom visits followed by Morning Tea at 11.00am-11.30am
* Grandparents of all Foundation students (and their siblings)
* Grandparents of students in the Wannon & Otway sports teams
11.00am - 11.30am Morning Tea followed by Classroom visits at 11.30am - 1.00pm
* Grandparents of all Foundation students (and their siblings)
* Grandparents of students in the Wannon & Otway sports teams
Child Safety & Wellbeing
Child Safety
Child Safe Standards (eleven in total) came into effect in July last year and are a vital part of what we do here at All Saints. More information about these standards can be found here:
TheSafety Commissioner has a number of free webinars coming up in Term 4. These webinars
provide parents and carers with the knowledge, skills and tools to support their children to have
safe, positive online experiences. They usually run at different times during the term. The dates and
times will be released early in Term 4. If you would like to find out more, please visit
Leadership & Stewardship
Change of dates for the end of the year
Please read the attached letter from the MacKillop Network Schools outlining a change of dates for the end of our 2023 school year.
SAC Meeting
Our next meeting is on Tuesday October 24 at 7:00pm in the school library.
Happy Birthday

STUDENTS: Ella Mifsud, Nestor Vassiliou, Raphael Shetata, Georgiana Litowschenko, Willow Sutton, Sarah Dunn, Ebony Hawker, Winnie Foster, Xavier Vecchio, Logan Rethus, Phoebe Boersma, Zayden Lipscombe, Lance Chase, Bailey Sharam, Liam Webb, Atley Sutton, Bentley Johnstone, Amelia Burns, Zane Oliver, Easton Cracknell.
STAFF: Adele, Mr Debono, Mr Walsh, Miss Michelle, Miss Punton, Fr Greg, Miss O'Keefe.
Praying With Children
Community News