School Fee Structure

Fee Rationale

Fees for education in a Catholic school are an in-built component of the total funding of Catholic education. School fees are charges to assist in meeting the day-to-day operating costs of the school.
In recognition that Catholic schools do not attract the same level of recurrent funding from the Commonwealth and State Governments as other sectors, there is a requirement to raise private funds.  
The major source of this private financial contribution is the school fee which may be supplemented with other contributions e.g. fund raising activities and the use of voluntary helpers.

Fee Policy 

All Saints Parish School will provide a Catholic education for all children wishing to be enrolled irrespective of their financial, cultural or linguistic circumstances.
Health Care Card holders are eligible for significant reductions in the family fee and can apply for the Camps/Excursions funding from the Government.
There are several payment options available to suit all financial situations. 

For information regarding school fees and payments please contact the school office on 03 55233654 or email